Homemade Granola Bars

Homemade Granola Bars
These bars a favourite for all and often available on my retreats! These homemade granola bars are my go-to snack for any time of day. Made with simple, wholesome ingredients, they’re the perfect balance of chewy, crunchy, and sweet—without any of the artificial additives or preservatives found in store-bought options. I carefully select natural ingredients to create a nutrient-packed bar that keeps me feeling full and energized.
Store in your fridge for up to 10 days, these things will keep you going.
✨Rolled Oats
✨Rice Krispies
✨Sliced Almonds
✨Shredded Desiccated Coconut
✨Chia Seeds
✨Coconut Oil
✨Almond Butter
✨Sea Salt
✨Dark Chocolate Chips (Optional)
Firstly grab a large baking tray and line it with parchment paper.
Grab a big mixing bowl and add in 1.5 cups of oats, 1 cup of rice krispies, a decent sprinkling of almonds, desiccated coconut, pecans, chia seeds and sea salt mixing it all together well
Next get out a small saucepan and add in 4 tablespoons coconut oil, 3 tablespoons of almond butter and 3 table spoons on agave. Melt this and pour over the above bowl, mixing well. A little tip here is it's important to have the bowl mixture covered with the melted coconut oil, almond butter and agave, otherwise they will fall apart! If it seems a little light, them add in more.
From there, lay it out in the baking tray with pushing the mixture down with a cup really compressing it. If you are adding in the dark chocolate chips, sprinkle them on the top and push them down lightly too.
Pop them in the fridge and leave for at least 2 hours (or in the freezer if you want to eat sooner!)
These fall apart easily if you don't keep them refrigerated. Cut the Granola bars up neatly and either leave them in the baking tray, or go the extra mile and cut some parchment paper large enough to be able to wrap up individual bars and tie together with elastic band or string as per the picture.

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